Adults Ministry
We offer several ministries that are specifically for adults. Take a look below to find an adult ministry you can participate in. For specific adult events, please visit our events page.
Adult Choir: Meets Thursday evenings (7-8:30pm) from September through May. Sunday morning commitment averages twice per month plus festival services.
Handbell Choir: Intergenerational (high school and up) ensemble with openings arising occasionally and an ongoing need for trained substitutes. Meets Sunday after church, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, September through May, and plays one Sunday per month for church services.
Support and Care Ministry
Home Meals: Members willing to work together to provide meals for individuals or families in need due to death, hospital stay, pregnancy, etc.
Drivers: Members willing to drive other members to doctor’s appointments, rehab, church, Bible Study, etc. if someone is unable to drive.
Childcare: Members who are willing to help with emergency child care when a family member is in the hospital, needs to go to a doctor’s appointment, funeral, etc.
Shut-in Care: Members to assist home-bound individuals.
WOW - Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Women of the Word (WOW) is the Living Word society of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
- All ladies are welcome to attend WOW functions
- Check our events page for specific WOW events
- Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month - September through May
Other Adult Ministries
Bible Studies: We have several lay-led Bible study groups that meet on certain days of the month, including a women's Bible study. A great way to meet new people while growing in your Christian faith.
Fellowship: This group is instrumental in providing fellowship meals and activities for the congregation to promote a sense of community and help develop relationships among members. This includes monthly activities such as The Church Picnic, Chili Cook Off, Oktoberfest etc., which are planned to promote fun and fellowship within our congregation.
Facilities Maintenance: The objective of the Facility Maintenance team is beautification and maintenance of the church properties that God has entrusted us with, making it an attractive setting for His Kingdom work. They are responsible for the custody, control, maintenance, and repair of all real and personal property of the congregation. This team maintains our church building and grounds. We host semi-annual work/clean-up days and oversee all facility needs.